Looking for a nourishing break? Join our next Day of Nourishment on 28 July with Lorinda. 

Our Courses

Learn tools to increase your resilience

Do you want to take care of your mental health and wellbeing? Do you feel tired and exhausted, or have difficulties concentrating with all that's going on? Do you get stressed by the overwhelming quantity of tasks and demands that you face every day? Are you wondering how you can find some peace of mind in the midst of the busyness of your life?

Cultivating inner strengths

If your attention rests a lot on worrying thoughts, chances are high that you spend most of the time in this alert state, which is deteriorating for body and mind. On a longer term, it can lead to physical illness, burnout, depression or anxiety disorder. According to WHO, the COVID-19 pandemic has taken a heavy toll on the mental health of millions of people with close to one billion people suffering from mental illness in the world. Depression, burnout and anxiety have almost doubled in recent years. 

It is therefore more important than ever to cultivate mental resources such as mindfulness, positivity and self-compassion – and learn how to ground yourself. Mindfulness can help you to increase your resilience towards everything life sends your way.

Find out more about why mindfulness can help.

Cultivating inner strengths

Choose the right format

You can follow courses with us either through :

Regardless of which format you choose, you’ll have access to a multitude of guided meditations and other resources.

Benefits of an in-person mindfulness course

Benefits of an in-person mindfulness course

Taking an in-person mindfulness course allows you to feel connected to and surrounded by others, all the while learning to meditate or deepening your practice together.

You will benefit from a nice location in the centre of Brussels and from the energy of meditating together.

Delicious organic teas will be offered at every session. You will receive an e-book and a syllabus in printed format. To gain the most from the course, it is best to avoid missing more than one or two sessions. Should you miss a class, you can reference the syllabus that is provided, connect with another participant or if needed make arrangements with the teacher to come a few minutes earlier before the next class to catch-up.

Benefits of following an online mindfulness course

All our online programmes take place via Zoom, where you can log in from the safety and comfort of your own space. This allows you to interact with other participants and the teacher in a safe way without any health risks. Plus you can join our online programmes from anywhere in the world, no travel time needed, and have access to the recording in case you have to miss a session. All our online sessions are live with interactive teaching and sharing just like in an in-person course. The online format does not alter in any way our ability to be present to oneself and to others, nor the depth, the richness, and the benefits of the practices and teachings.

Benefits of following an online mindfulness course

Types of courses

Among others, we offer mindfulness-based courses on the following topics:

  • 8-week beginner's mindfulness course "Finding peace in a frantic world" or Mindfulness based stress reduction course: learn how to feel less stressed and live more in the present moment
  • 6-week positive neuroplasticity course: learn how to rewire your brain towards more happiness, contentment and resilience with the help of neuroscience and positive neuroplasticity (more information below)
  • 8-week interpersonal mindfulness course: learn how to relate to others in a more mindful way, increase your presence and improve your communication skills. This is a follow-up course for people having followed the beginners course
  • 4-month life shift course: building resilience through an unique blend of in person sessions with online coaching sessions 

Features of the courses

  • Weekly group sessions of 1.5 to 2.5 hours
  • Lots of practical exercises to build mindfulness into your daily schedule without needing to invest extra time
  • Programmes based on scientifically validated programmes
  • Course led by experienced and certified mindfulness teachers
  • In-between emails to deepen your learning
  • Lifetime access to more than 260 guided meditations by our teachers
  • A handout for practice and reflection at home

We can organise the same type of course specifically for organisations. Contact us if you would like to bring an in-person or online course into your workplace.

Register for a course

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Positive Neuroplasticity?

Beat the brain’s negativity bias and fill yourself with calm strength, confidence, and joy.

Positive Neuroplasticity teaches you how to:

  • Meet your needs to feel safer, more satisfied, and more connected - and less stressed, hurt, and resentful
  • Hardwire peace of mind, contentment, and self-compassion into your brain
  • Identify your own challenges and pain points and grow specific inner strengths to overcome and heal them
  • The positive neuroplasticity training has been developed by neuropsychologist Dr. Rick Hanson

From PositiveNeuroplasticity.com

What is the difference between the PNT programme and the 8-week mindfulness course?

The structure of both programmes is similar - with weekly meetings, a mix of teaching, practising and sharing, and home assignments between the sessions. In a mindfulness course you learn how to stabilise your attention and to be with everything that arises in your mind. You learn how to meditate and to be more present in your daily life. The focus is on being with.

The PNT programme has a stronger focus on brain science and theory and aims at cultivating specific strengths in your mind. The focus is on working with.

Together these two courses provide a strong basis for a truly resilient and joyful mind.

I’m a beginner, which programme should I choose?

The ideal start is to engage in an 8-week mindfulness course. This will teach you how to meditate and to step out of the autopilot. If you do not have much time or the next mindfulness course is still a few months away you could also start with one of our workshops, happy hours or one-day retreats.

The PNT programme will help you to build on these capacities of increased awareness and less reactivity and take them even further by growing specific inner strengths in your mind for true resilience and long lasting happiness.

It is also possible to start with the PNT programme if you already have some experience with meditation or yoga.

What is the difference between a course and a retreat?

During our courses we offer an interactive mix of teaching, practising and sharing. There will be home assignments between the sessions and you receive a handbook and guided audio files to practise at home. These courses are offered for the duration of 6 to 8 weeks so that you have time to adapt these learnings and build new habits.

A retreat is a unique event lasting from 1 to 5 days, often with overnight stays where you get the chance to take a deep dive into mindfulness and meditation. The focus is on practising with small moments of teaching and sharing. All our retreats are offered in beautiful locations with the possibility for long outdoor walks, delicious organic food, and time to rest. Often there is also a massage therapist present to support your resting and healing. Most of our retreats are in silence so that you can find deep rest and concentrate on yourself. We also ask you to refrain from checking or answering your phone.

About us

We believe that mindfulness skills can make this world a better place, not only because it helps to improve individual wellbeing, but also because it leads to wiser choices and more kindness in this world. Our team of international certified mindfulness and yoga teachers has extensive experience at the work place and can train in English, Dutch, German and French. 

Learn more about our vision, meet our team and check out our beautiful locations.

  • Beate Trück
  • Lot Heijke
  • Lorinda Brinton
  • Alena Reisinger
  • Steve Savels
  • Berenice Boxler
  • Kirsten Victor
  • Lyuba Byessonova
  • Yvonne Tuinte
  • Sandrine Rauter
  • Katrien Maes
  • Peter Paanakker
  • Isabelle Hoberg
  • Heather Gorham
  • Viannou  Coëme
  • Rainer Arndt