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Prioritizing self-care – especially for women

The end of the school year has arrived, and many people feel exhausted and depleted after a stressful period filled with exams, end-of-year performances, summer parties, and social engagements. Everyone is tired, but missing out on these events isn't an option. Additionally, there are crucial tasks like organizing camp registrations, scheduling after-school activities for the next year, and preparing for summer vacations.

These weeks just before the summer break have been full of organizing and planning for me. While registering the kids for music and sports after school in September, I tried to figure out my own work schedule to fit everything in. Now I am tired, anxiously doubting if I will have enough time for my projects. Meanwhile, life goes on, filled with final concerts, parties, and important work and doctor appointments.

If you don't have children, you might still feel the tension of fulfilling social expectations, whether it's a reception at your office or a football game viewing with colleagues. The pressure of carefully planning your work schedule before everyone leaves for the summer break is also present. Keeping the bigger picture in mind is challenging, no matter your life stage.

Being Always There for Others is Exhausting

Being there for others can be satisfying and nourishing. For many, especially those in caring professions, taking care of others' needs is fulfilling. Women, in particular, often carry the weight of the "mental load," managing family life, remembering birthdays, and being emotionally available for any concerns others might have. This caregiving role isn't innate but socially cultivated.

However, this constant engagement can lead to exhaustion if you lose sight of the most important person in your life: yourself. Focusing solely on others can make you feel they are more worthy of your effort and goodwill than you are. Losing connection with your own needs and limits puts your well-being and inner balance at risk.

Self-Care is Essential

The best counterbalance to emotional or physical depletion is self-care. You need to take care of yourself to be there for others. Running on empty benefits no one. There's always someone or something needing your attention, but it's crucial to regularly check if you're neglecting yourself amid external demands. You're no good to anyone if you're barely holding up or believing that "if I only get through this week, all will be fine." NOW is the perfect time to check in with yourself and ensure your energy and emotional well-being are intact, allowing yourself to refill them.

Self-care can take various forms. Depending on your current situation, it might be short breaks of 5 minutes a day with your favorite cup of tea. For others, it could be getting a massage or playing tennis with a friend. Meditation is another excellent way to grant yourself some "me-time," for example, with a nourishing body scan or a loving-kindness meditation. The most important thing is to look inside and ask yourself: "What do I need right now?" Being there for yourself as much as you are for others is the greatest gift you can give

Read here our latest article on a new way of self-care which does not need any extra time.