Mindfulness articles related to improving the relationships in your life
Discover how to manage the mental load during the holiday season with practical tips for staying grounded and reclaiming balance. Learn how to navigate the pressure of planning, shopping, and...
This article explores how tiny, incremental changes can lead to significant improvements in mental strength and emotional resilience. Learn about the four principles of habit formation: making...
Have you been thinking about taking a mindfulness or other well-being group course but haven’t found the time? Or perhaps you’ve been wanting to further develop your existing meditation practice...
Discover the benefits of mindful drinking, a practice that promotes awareness and intentionality in alcohol consumption. Enjoy a healthier and more fulfilling life by making conscious decisions...
By integrating self-compassion into daily work routines, you can improve your overall well-being and contribute to a more compassionate workplace culture. It involves treating oneself with...
Unlock the power of positive neuroplasticity with our visualization technique! Transform reactive patterns into mindful, empowering responses by envisioning yourself strong, kind, and grounded in...
When we are hurting we often feel disconnected from others, yet it is the awareness of our shared humanity and the practice of compassion that will heal us and the world around us.
Can you approach each moment with curiosity, fresh eyes, and with an open heart? With the beginner’s mind or the “don’t know”-mind, we can start to look around and reflect on our surroundings.
Sometimes our life feels dull and without any excitement. But when you learn to bring curiosity to every single moment of your life even the most boring task can bring you joy and happiness.
Now that we're all remote working, we're noticing a lack of idle time. Bringing back small talk in our digital communications can go a long way in recreating some of these unplanned moments of...
Many of us are longing for a new start after an extraordinary, exhausting year. But can we build the new year on our learning and insight instead of just ‘starting afresh’?
By now, we are all familiar with the lockdown phenomenon, where we have to limit our social contacts to a minimum. Though we may be better prepared...
At times our roles can take so much space in our life that it is difficult to simply be and relax. All those roles as mother, father, daughter, husband, wife etc. come with a lot of responsibility....
An anxious brain is not a well-functioning brain. Out of the threat system, decisions are made that are often instinctive and inconsiderate.. But we do have a choice whether we let these...
Very often we are on our way somewhere or we push ourselves to get to a certain point. Thus we miss the here and now, because our view is only in the future. Patience is the ability to accept...
Many women are conditioned to take care of everyone except of themselves. This can be exhausting and unsatisfying. Yet we cannot give when we are running on empty. Self-care is essential for our...