Looking for a nourishing break? Join our next Day of Nourishment on 28 July with Lorinda. 

Transforming Reactive Patterns into Mindful Responses

Transforming Reactive Patterns into Mindful Responses

Unlock the power of positive neuroplasticity with our visualization technique! Transform reactive patterns into mindful, empowering responses by envisioning yourself strong, kind, and grounded in...

Exploring with a

Exploring with a "Don't Know" mind

Can you approach each moment with curiosity, fresh eyes, and with an open heart? With the beginner’s mind or the “don’t know”-mind, we can start to look around and reflect on our surroundings.

Building in powerful stress relievers in your daily life

Building in powerful stress relievers in your daily life

Actually, not much is needed to take care of yourself in situations in which you feel powerless and overwhelmed. For my favourite exercise, called “box breathing” you only need: your breath. And as...

Who are you underneath the roles?

Who are you underneath the roles?

At times our roles can take so much space in our life that it is difficult to simply be and relax. All those roles as mother, father, daughter, husband, wife etc. come with a lot of responsibility....

Waiting for something to finally come true…

Waiting for something to finally come true…

Very often we are on our way somewhere or we push ourselves to get to a certain point. Thus we miss the here and now, because our view is only in the future. Patience is the ability to accept...

Prioritizing self-care – especially for women

Prioritizing self-care – especially for women

Many women are conditioned to take care of everyone except of themselves. This can be exhausting and unsatisfying. Yet we cannot give when we are running on empty. Self-care is essential for our...

Coming back to what is

Coming back to what is

There are so many situations in everyday life when we see the world as if through a filtered glass. We do not see reality but only what we want to see. When our mind is attached to a fix idea of...

Planting the seeds of mindfulness in your family

Planting the seeds of mindfulness in your family

Our children know how to push our buttons and yet they are such important teachers in our life. prioritizing self-care and becoming more aware of our own feelings and reactions are important...

"The route is being recalculated" - Why children don't need perfect parents

We all would like to be perfect parents and better than our parents and yet we can get so easily triggered in the relationships with our children, They can bring the best and worst out of us. In...