Looking for a nourishing break? Join our next Day of Nourishment on 28 July with Lorinda. 

Celebrating Life: Mindfulness festival
In person


Institute of Neurocognitivism
AV. Tervueren 81
Metro Merode or Montgomery


Sign up

Celebrating life: a mindfulness festival to celebrate our 10 years

21 September from 10.00 to 19.00 CET, followed by networking and sharing drinks and food

inperson with Beate Trück and teachers of Brussels Mindfulness

Welcome to an interactive and joyful day filled with different workshops to help you connect with like-minded people, learn new things and relax. 

Join us for this festive day where we will take some time to reflect back on the past 10 years and look ahead, learn about new mindfulness-based approaches, have fun and meditate together.

What you can expect

A colourful day filled by the teachers of Brussels Mindfulness who will offer different workshops on yin yoga, compassion, mindful eating, nature, parenting and so much more. The agenda will be published very soon so you can sign up for the different workshops. There will always be two simultaneous workshops running at the same time so you will get to try out many different things. This will also be an opportunity to meet our teachers and get a sneak peak into our fall programme. 

We will end the day together with a potluck as we always do at Brussels Mindfulness: everyone brings something to eat and drink so we can share a meal. We will take care of the bubbles!

What you can expect

Teachers who confirmed their presence so far

  • Certified trauma-sensitive mindfulness and positive neuroplasticity teacher Beate Trück
  • Ayurvedic massage therapist and yoga teacher Katrien Maes.
  • Certified Yoga and mindfulness teacher Lyuba Byessonova
  • Certified yoga ad mindfulness teacher Lorinda Brinton
  • Certified yoga teacher and sound therapist Gosia Marmurowicz
  • Certified yoga and mindfulness teacher Ewa Litke-Balk
  • Certified dietitian Heather Gorham
  • Teacher trainee, journalist and author Natalia Cantero
  • Senior mindfulness trainer, psychologist and  coach Steve Savels
  • Certified mindfulness trainer and systemic coach Rainer Arndt
  • Teacher trainee and forest bath trainer Katriina Kilpi
  • Teacher trainee Ari Hiroshige
  • Certified Mindfulness and insight dialogue teacher Lot Heijke
  • Certified mindfulness teacher and life coach Alena Reisinger
  • Certified mindfulness teacher Marzena Gawenda

What to expect during this day

  • Bodyfulness (myofascial release, bodyscan: breathing, sensing)- Katrien Maes
  • Nurturing and mindful parenting - how to be trully present and connected with your child - Lyuba Byessonova
  • Positive neuroplasticity - taking in the good- Beate Trück
  • Feeling safe within yourself- Steve Savels
  • The garden as a metaphor for life: Learning to embrace all that is - Lorinda Brinton
  • Sound bath therapy: soothing your nervous system with healing sounds- Malgorzata Marmurowicz and Ewa Litke-Balk
  • Guided meditations and yoga - teacher trainees of the teacher training
  • Mindful stretch & short bodyscan - Ari Hiroshige
  • Mindfulness and Writing as a Refuge -Natalia Cantero
  • Eating with intention -Heather Gorham
  • Introduction to Forest Mind (a mindful method for naturebased wellbeing) - Katriina Kilpi
  • Building a mindfulness habit- Alena Reisinger
  • An introduction into insight dialogue - Lot  Heijke
  • Mindful Drawing- Marzena Gawenda


A few weeks before the event we open registration for the specific workshops. There will always two workshops running at the same time so that everyone gets a chance to discover lots of new things.

Places will be confirmed on a first come first serve basis, so don't wait any longer to secure your spot. Once all workshops are full we cannot accept any further registrations. 

There will also be a chill out and connect area where you can meet other mindfulness practitioners and share. 


Early bird fee until 28 August 2024: €74 (€61 excl VAT)

Thereafter tee for the day pass €99,-(€78 excl VAT)

Secure your spot by registering now; spaces are limited. 

Make sure you sign up to show your loyalty to Brussels Mindfulness and help us shape the future!

What is included in your fee:

  • participation in all workshops and meditations
  • delicious teas all day,
  • light snacks
  • all beverages during the closing event. 

Register for this day of joy and connection to make sure to save your spot!

Do not hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any questions. For administrative and practical questions, please contact info@brusselsmindfulness.be. For questions about our courses and events, have a look at our FAQ.

If you want to discuss something directly with the teacher, you can contact Beate Trück via beate.trueck@brusselsmindfulness.be.

Many thanks for your registration. We look forward to meeting you in the course.

Please fill out the form below in order to register. Your answers are important for the trainer to understand your motivation to participate.

All information you provide will be treated confidentially and will never be shared with third parties. Please check our privacy policy here.

Please check our terms & conditions about cancellations and refunds.

Registration Form

How did you hear about this activity?
What are your reasons to participate in this activity?
What is your experience with mindfulness?
I consent to photos being taken during the session.
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