Looking for a nourishing break? Join our next Day of Nourishment on 28 July with Lorinda. 

Day of Nourishment: Relax and rejuvenate
In person


Institute of Neurocognitivism
Av Tervueren 81
1040 Brussels

Metro: Merode or Montgomery


Sign up

Day of Nourishment: Relax and rejuvenate

A one-day retreat in an exclusive setting with a small group

Sunday 28 July, from 10.30 to 17.00.

With certified mindfulness teacher Lorinda Brinton

Recharge from within

Recharge from within

A variety of mindfulness practices will guide your busy mind into a state of rest, focusing on grounding techniques to access the inner peace within and to get in touch with what really matters.

This day is a wonderful opportunity to practice mindfulness in a safe setting, to take care of yourself and to listen to your body and honour your needs.

Benefits of this day

  • Cultivate contentment, fulfillment, and a deeper sense of connection.
  • Develop a kinder, more compassionate inner voice, quieting the inner critic.
  • Experience the benefits of meditating in a group, enhancing daily motivation.
  • Refresh and deepen your mindfulness practice.
  • Energize yourself with a powerful boost to navigate daily challenges.
  • Gain a sense of peace amid life's busyness and stress.

It is an opportunity to refresh and deepen your practice. Practising together in a group can help you reconnect with meditation and boost your motivation to continue with it on a daily basis. 

We will practice a mix of different forms of meditation, mindful walking, and stretching, to bring our mind to rest and ground ourselves in the here and now.

Digital detox and silence

The day will mostly take place in silence, with English instructions given by the teacher.

Experience a digital detox throughout the day; keep your phone on flight mode or leave it behind. Please inform your contacts of your unavailability, except for emergencies. Embrace the silence, deepening your sense of rest and peace while connecting with the group.

For whom?

This one-day retreat is an ideal opportunity for deepening your practice if you have followed a course or a retreat or have some experience with yoga or meditation.

You are also welcome if you haven’t tried yoga, would like to get a taste of mindfulness and meditation or are simply looking for some peace and calm.

It is best to join this retreat day when you are in a relatively stable condition. If you are currently experiencing an episode of depression or anxiety, it may be better to wait until you feel more settled.

For inquiries or if you are new to mindfulness or yoga, please contact us so we can discuss your participation.

The Location

The Location

The event will take place at the Institute of Neurocognitivism (MM81), a beautiful and spacious Maison de maître in the heart of Brussels, between metro Merode and Montgomery. It has a lovely quiet garden with a pond where we can do some outdoor practices if the weather allows it. 

The programme

10.00 Arrivals
10.30 Introduction, mindful yoga and opening meditation
12.00 Tea meditation
12.15 Mindful walking and lying down bodyscan meditation
13.15 Mindful lunch in silence (please bring your own lunch)
14.00 Outdoor session using all senses explore nature's beauty (if weather allows it), alternatively indoor stretching session
14.45 Sitting meditation
15.15 Tea meditation
15.30 Loving kindness meditation, gentle practices to end the silence and closing session
17.00 Departures

Please note that this is an indicative programme and subject to change.

Meet the Teacher

Certified mindfulness teacher Lorinda Brinton

Lorinda is a certified mindfulness and yoga teacher with a passion for helping others find simple and personally meaningful ways to experience well-being. Her friendly style weaves her own experience with standard mindfulness practices such as learning to work with the breath and practicing self-awareness.

Listen here to one of her guided meditations: 

Meet the Teacher

What to bring

  • yoga mat or something to lie on
  • (meditation) cushion or bench
  • a blanket to cover yourself during relaxation
  • warm socks
  • water bottle or thermos (optional, can be refilled)
  • Please bring your own lunch (microwaves and dishes are available in the location).

Delicious teas, coffee, and snacks will be available throughout the day. 


The fee for this event is €139 (incl VAT), excl VAT (€114.88)

Included in the fee:

  • tea, coffee and healthy snacks throughout the day
  • access to the garden with plenty of spaces to relax and unwind
  • small group to encourage safety and comfort (maximum 15 people)
  • access to more than 275 guided meditations

Registrations will close on Saturday 27 July at 17.00 CET or when it is fully booked. We recommend registering early to secure your spot.

Register below and discover the profound benefits of a day devoted to self-nourishment, harmony, and connection.

Some impressions of Timesmore
Some impressions of Timesmore
Some impressions of Timesmore

Do not hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any questions. For administrative and practical questions, please contact info@brusselsmindfulness.be. For questions about our courses and events, have a look at our FAQ.

If you want to discuss something directly with the teacher, you can contact Lorinda Brinton at lorinda.brinton@brusselsmindfulness.be

Many thanks for your registration. We look forward to meeting you in the session.

Important information on your mental well-being and silent retreats

While meditation retreats can be very nourishing; they do require sustained meditation practice throughout your time there. This also demands some stability of psychological health and can be triggering for some people.

Have you experienced significant trauma or psychiatric illness, or are your currently struggling with your mental health such as with anxiety, depression, or burnout? If so, a retreat might not be the best option for you at the moment. The teacher might not be able to give you the kind of individual psychological care and support you need right now.

If you are currently under the care of a mental health professional, please discuss your attendance with them. You should be in a relatively stable period of mental well-being and have adequate psychological resilience.

Please fill in the questions in the registration form as open and honestly as possible, this will give us an idea of your current situation. The teacher of the retreat may reach out to you for more information

If you are unsure, or have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us directly at info@brusselsmindfulness.be.

Registration for the Day of Nourishment

Please fill out the form below in order to register for the Day of Nourishment. This information is important for the teacher to understand your motivation to participate.

All information you provide will be treated confidentially and will never be shared with third parties. We will get in touch with you if we have any questions, so please provide the phone number on which we can most easily reach you. Please check our privacy policy here.

Please check our terms & conditions about cancellations and refunds.

Registration Form

How did you hear about this activity?
What are your reasons to participate in this activity?
What is your experience with mindfulness?
Are you, (or have you been previously), experiencing high levels of stress and/or burn out?
Are you, (or have you been previously), struggling with your mental health?
Have you experienced any physical, emotional or psychological trauma?
If yes, do you have professional support (psychologist, ..)?
Do you have any physical limitations or complaints that the teacher should be aware of?
I have read and understand the health & wellbeing guidelines

You will be asked to fill out your name and further contact details in the next page.
Once you click the registration button, you will be taken to a secure payment system (first e-act.nl and then mollie.com). Your data will be treated confidentially and will not be shared with third parties, except for the information necessary to process the payment.