Looking for a nourishing break? Join our next Day of Nourishment on 28 July with Lorinda. 

Mindfulness articles related to sleep

Mindful Drinking: A Balanced Approach to Alcohol

Mindful Drinking: A Balanced Approach to Alcohol

Discover the benefits of mindful drinking, a practice that promotes awareness and intentionality in alcohol consumption. Enjoy a healthier and more fulfilling life by making conscious decisions...

The Art of Resting

The Art of Resting

Discover the vital link between rest, deep sleep, and overall well-being in today's fast-paced world. Explore the seven forms of rest and learn how integrating these practices into your daily...

Cultivating Inner Strength: How to feel safer in an uncertain world

Cultivating Inner Strength: How to feel safer in an uncertain world

In a world where challenges abound, nurturing safety is vital for resilience. By embracing both external and internal resources, we can cultivate a secure mindset that empowers us to face life's...

What does “listen to your body” actually mean?

What does “listen to your body” actually mean?

Listening to your body is an important tool in stress management. you can detect signs of tiredness and exhaustion, understanding your stress mechanisms and also learn to use the body as an anchor...

The healing power of Ayurvedic Massage

The healing power of Ayurvedic Massage

Ayurvedic massage with warm herbalized oil, especially Kseerbala Taila, is a therapeutic practice that offers a multitude of benefits for the body and mind. From alleviating physical complaints and...

Weaving mindfulness into your day

Weaving mindfulness into your day

You can bring more presence into your day if you start to integrate a few simple new habits into your morning or evening routine. 

Calming your anxious mind with conscious breathing

Calming your anxious mind with conscious breathing

In these turbulent times it is normal to feel quite worried and anxious and we have all the reasons and we have all the reasons to feel like that. However, it is not heathy for our body and mind to...

Three habits that can improve your sleep

Three habits that can improve your sleep

Sleep is a complex process. There are so many factors to consider when talking about what you can do to improve it. However, there are three crucial habits that are probably responsible for 80% of...

Breathe yourself to sleep: How conscious breathing can help you fall asleep

Breathe yourself to sleep: How conscious breathing can help you fall asleep

Breathing happens by itself without even thinking of it, while at the same time we can consciously control it. It can be a powerful instrument to help us fall asleep (again) when we are struggling...

Writing yourself to sleep

Writing yourself to sleep

Sleep is one of the biggest factors impacting our wellbeing. One method to help you fall asleep can be to write down everything that preoccupies you and hand it over to the paper so you can let go...

Why truly healing silence is not the same as absence of sound

Why truly healing silence is not the same as absence of sound

It's funny what happens when things around you become silent. You can observe it very clearly in meditation. You have switched off your phone, sat down, closed your eyes. And it's as if the inner...

Stepping out of the treadmill - Letting go of worrying

Stepping out of the treadmill - Letting go of worrying

Worrying is the mind's attempt to solve a perceived threat to our safety. yet in generally makes us feel much worse. therefore it is important to learn techniques to le go of worrying and to relax.

Improving your energy with small rituals

Improving your energy with small rituals

Are you one of those few lucky people who wake up in the morning and jump out of the bed with full energy and lots of enthusiasm? Or do you need one or two hours and a strong coffee to really wake...

How to learn to sleep again - 5 tips and a mindfulness exercise

How to learn to sleep again - 5 tips and a mindfulness exercise

Sleep is one of the most important factors impacting our wellbeing. yet so many people suffer from insomnia. here are some suggestions and a guided bodyscan practice that can help you find your...