Looking for a nourishing break? Join our next Day of Nourishment on 28 July with Lorinda. 

Cultivating an Abundance Mindset for a Fulfilling Life

Cultivating an Abundance Mindset for a Fulfilling Life

When scrolling through social media, I sometimes find myself comparing my life to others'. It can feel like everyone else is more beautiful, more successful, more something than me. And in those...

The Art of Resting

The Art of Resting

Discover the vital link between rest, deep sleep, and overall well-being in today's fast-paced world. Explore the seven forms of rest and learn how integrating these practices into your daily...

 The Power of Attention: Cultivating Focus in the Digital Age

The Power of Attention: Cultivating Focus in the Digital Age

The article highlights the concerning decline in attention, with more than 75% of individuals experiencing persistent distraction at work. Chronic distraction is linked to consequences such as...

Cultivating Inner Strengths: The Power of Positive Neuroplasticity

Cultivating Inner Strengths: The Power of Positive Neuroplasticity

In times like these, it is normal to sometimes feel anxious and worried or overwhelmed. Fear is a natural response to danger, and it is designed to keep us safe by triggering the flight, fight or...

Unlocking Tranquility: 6 Tips to Establishing a Lasting Mindfulness Habit

Unlocking Tranquility: 6 Tips to Establishing a Lasting Mindfulness Habit

Explore practical strategies that make integrating mindfulness into your daily routine a breeze. Learn to start small, create easy reminders, leverage existing habits, celebrate successes, prepare...

Cultivating Inner Strength: How to feel safer in an uncertain world

Cultivating Inner Strength: How to feel safer in an uncertain world

In a world where challenges abound, nurturing safety is vital for resilience. By embracing both external and internal resources, we can cultivate a secure mindset that empowers us to face life's...

What does “listen to your body” actually mean?

What does “listen to your body” actually mean?

Listening to your body is an important tool in stress management. you can detect signs of tiredness and exhaustion, understanding your stress mechanisms and also learn to use the body as an anchor...

Four steps to prioritize self-care in busy times

Four steps to prioritize self-care in busy times

When things get stressful we often automatically skip the things that nourish us, but it is in those moments that self-care is even more important. 

Why it’s difficult to make meditation a habit

Why it’s difficult to make meditation a habit

You are convinced that meditating regularly would be good for you. Maybe you have practised it before and felt the positive effects it had on you. You are prepared: you have downloaded an app,...

Why you might be underperforming at work

Why you might be underperforming at work

Did you know that the most frequently used button in elevators is the "close doors" one? Have you ever noticed people frantically tapping it 7 or 8 times, even with one leg still outside? Maybe...

Calming your anxious mind with conscious breathing

Calming your anxious mind with conscious breathing

In these turbulent times it is normal to feel quite worried and anxious and we have all the reasons and we have all the reasons to feel like that. However, it is not heathy for our body and mind to...

Improving your energy levels with small morning and evening rituals

Improving your energy levels with small morning and evening rituals

In the past months, everything has changed more dramatically than anyone could have imagined – and our bodies have taken its toll. Here are some morning and evening rituals to support your energy...

How to recognise burn-out

How to recognise burn-out

Burn-out is a stress-related condition. In itself, stress is not necessarily a bad thing. A bit of adrenalin can make you perform at your best when a deadline is in sight, or when something is...

What if ... a year in review

What if ... a year in review

What if 2020 was not a lost year but rather a year that made a grow on various levels? 

Stepping out of the rat race

Stepping out of the rat race

We spend a great deal of our waking hours at work. Yet the digitalisation has further diminished the difference between private and professional life and therefore many of us are feeling...

Boost your happiness with gratitude

Boost your happiness with gratitude

November is the time of the year when we need to celebrate good moments in our life in order to compensate for the gloom of the darker and colder days.

Did you know that gratitude is a happiness...

Staying sane in winter lockdown

Staying sane in winter lockdown

Some self-care tips in socially limited times

By now, we are all familiar with the lockdown phenomenon, where we have to limit our social contacts to a minimum. Though we may be better prepared...

How to soften your inner drive system in times of crisis

How to soften your inner drive system in times of crisis

In these uncertain times it is important to learn ways how to calm and ground yourself.