Looking for a nourishing break? Join our next Day of Nourishment on 28 July with Lorinda. 

Life shift: Building Mental Strengths for a fulfilling life
2/10/24 till 27/11/24
In person


Bd St Michel
Etterbeek, Brussels

Metro:  Montgomery

Coaching online via zoom


Sign up

Life shift: Building Mental Resilience and Living from Purpose

Cultivate Strength and deep Resilience Amid Life's Challenges

Wednesday mornings from 10 to 12.00 CET on the dates: 2, 9, 16 October, 6, 13, 27 November

2 full days on Sunday 10 November and a day of nourishment of your choice, plus individual and group coaching sessions.

with resilience coach, senior mindfulness and positive neuroplasticity trainer Beate Trück

A unique personalized course to bring about real change into your life in an exclusive location

It's Not About the Challenges; It's About How You Respond

Do you yearn to break free from the shackles of fear, stress, and negativity? Is your ultimate goal to lead a life driven by love, purpose, and unwavering strength? In a world constantly beset by challenges, from war reports to climate crises and pandemics, it's all too easy to feel overwhelmed. But here's the good news: it's not about the challenges themselves; it's about how you respond.

Unlocking Mental Strength

Imagine life as a series of strong winds that shake the trees. Just like these trees, you too can grow stronger through life's difficulties, provided you have the right mental resources. It's time to cultivate your inner garden.

"Imagine that your mind is a garden. You can tend to it in three ways: observe it, pull weeds, and plant flowers. "Rick Hanson

Cultivating your inner garden

Cultivating your inner garden

In this course, we focus on cultivating the inner resources that enable you to confront life's challenges with deep resilience and determination. Without mental strength, work performance may suffer, moods may plummet, and you may feel perpetually inadequate. Unfulfilled, we often resort to busyness, distractions, and overconsumption. Yet, these are mere short-term fixes that fail to address the root issue: our thinking patterns.

Much like a garden that requires regular tending, your mind also needs care. Weeding out unhelpful thinking patterns and nurturing healthier ones is the key. Your mind, like your body, requires consistent training to grow strong. This unique course will take you through this process step by step through a unique combination of teaching, personal coaching, contemplation, peer support and sharing. 

Building lasting mental strengths and habits

In our small and exclusive training community, you will learn to master your mindset, regulate your emotions, unlock peak performance, and rewire limiting beliefs. We'll teach you how to tap into unshakable resilience, become your authentic self, and grow inner strengths suited to your unique challenges. Step by step we will work on replacing unproductive habits with more helpful ones. We will learn how to build new habits that will last. We will build an upward cycle of mental strengths and habits reinforcing each other so that you can fully express yourself and be at your best. 

Mental Strength Attributes

Mental strength encompasses a spectrum of attributes and skills that will help you cope and thrive. These include:

  • Resilience, Emotional Regulation, Self-Awareness, Mindfulness, Optimism, Cognitive Flexibility, Grit, Self-Discipline, Self-compassion, Assertiveness, Confidence, Patience, Adaptability, Stress Management, Curiosity & openness, Self-Compassion etc. 

These mental strengths can be developed and strengthened through practice, self-awareness, and self-reflection leading to improved overall well-being and the ability to tackle life's challenges more effectively.

Taking in the good

"We develop mental resources in two stages. First, we need to experience what we want to grow, such as feeling grateful, loved, or confident. Second—critically important—we must convert that passing experience into a lasting change in the nervous system.” Rick Hanson

Research shows that consciously internalizing positive experiences can lower anxiety and depressed moods, increase gratitude, self-compassion, and overall happiness. 

What to expect

Throughout the course, you can look forward to:
  • Teachings rooted in mindfulness, neuroscience, compassion, and the positive neuroplasticity method by Dr. Rick Hanson, all tailored for practical application.
  • Soothing and uplifting guided meditations inspired by the principles of positive neuroplasticity.
  • Trauma-sensitive approach
  • Group and one-on-one coaching sessions designed to integrate these principles into your daily life and help you bring about real change.
  • Engaging practical exercises and opportunities for sharing to learn from experience and from each other.
  • Deep learning and connections with fellow participants to create a vibrant community
  • A small supportive group of like-minded individuals on a shared journey (maximum 8 participants)
  • Daily support and sharing through a whatsup group
  • Download the indicative course schedule here. 
Course Features

Course Features

The program includes:

  • 2 full deepening days in Brussels (on 20 October and a day of nourishment of your choice throughout 2024)
  • 6 inperson course sessions on Wednesday mornings from 10 to 12.00 am CET
  • 2 online small group coaching sessions of 60 min 
  • 2 personal online coaching sessions (at the beginning and mid-course), each lasting 45 min. 
  • A set of guided practices for growing your mental strengths at home.
  • The possibility to support each other in your peer group
  • Handouts and worksheets
  • Delicious tea and snacks 

Lasting physical and psychological benefits

  • An increased ability to relax and find inner calm
  • Greater energy and enthusiasm for life
  • Heightened self-confidence
  • An increased ability to cope more effectively with stressful situations
  • Improved wellbeing
  • Living your life from purpose and what really matters
  • Decrease of cravings and greater sense of satisfaction
  • Ability to take better care of yourself
  • Ability to let go of unhelpful habits and replace them with more wholesome ones
  • The ability to shape your brain for the better

Meet the teacher

Beate Trück

Introducing Beate Trück, an experienced mindfulness teacher, teacher trainer, supervisor and founder of Brussels Mindfulness. Beate has been certified as an MBSR teacher and is authorized to teach the positive neuroplasticity method by Dr. Rick Hanson. She's an accredited member of the international positive neuroplasticity network led by Rick Hanson. Furthermore, Beate has been trained as a trauma sensitive teacher and supervisor. 

Meet the teacher

For whom?

This course is designed for anyone interested in personal growth or seeking to develop resilience, reduce negative thinking, and enhance mental strength. You will benefit from a group of like-minded people who would like to  bring positive change into their life and help to make this world a better place by living from a place of awareness and purpose. It's an ideal continuation for those who have previously taken a mindfulness and/or positive neuroplasticity course, but beginners are also warmly welcomed (if you are new to mindfulness please schedule a call with us to see whether this is the right course for you).

The location - a haven of peace and serenity

The location - a haven of peace and serenity

The day will take place at the co-working place Timesmore. The house is a stylish "Maison de maitre" and is beautifully decorated with lots of different cozy places to sit and relax. We will be in the garden room with a view into the lush garden. If the weather allows we will do some outdoor practices and enjoy the quietness of the beautiful garden in the midst of the city.

Tea, water, coffee, fruit and snacks are available throughout the full day. For the full day please bring your own lunch as well as a yoga mat and blanket and a water bottle.

The coaching will be offered via zoom. You can book your online coaching session directly in our online agenda.

All dates for this course

  • six 2-hour sessions on Wednesday mornings from 10 to 12.00 CET on the dates: 2, 9, 16, 30 October, 13, 27 November
  • full day on Sunday 20 October with the group
  • a day of nourishment of your choice (book one of the days throughout 2024 in our agenda)
  • two online group coaching sessions on 23, October, 20 November from 10 to 11 am CET 
  • two individual online coaching sessions which you can book based on your availability in our online calendar 

Your investment

The cost of this transformational course is € 990 (incl VAT, €818 excl VAT) 

Early bird fee until 1 September 890€ (incl VAT, € 735 excl VAT)

  • 24 hours of in-person training supported by personalised coaching 
  • set of specific practices for home
  • visual support and handout
  • a small vibrant community of practitioners 
  • personalized support
  • regular check-in via whatsapp (optional)
  • delicious teas during in-person sessions

Limited Spots: To ensure interactivity and a trusting community, we are limiting the course to a maximum of 8 participants.

Don't wait any longer; register now and embark on your journey to mental strength and thriving.

Should you encounter financial difficulties please don't hesitate to contact us to pay in two instalments. 

Please do not hesitate to contact us if your employer is assuming responsibility for these expenses, providing us with the precise invoice details. In such circumstances, the applicable fee will be 890 (early bird) 990€ (full fee), exclusive of VAT.

Additionally, kindly inform us of any diplomatic status you may hold, enabling us to exempt the transaction from VAT.

Registration Form

How did you hear about this activity?
What are your reasons to participate in this activity?
What is your experience with mindfulness?
Are you, (or have you been previously), experiencing high levels of stress and/or burn out?
Are you, (or have you been previously), struggling with your mental health?
Have you experienced any physical, emotional or psychological trauma?
If yes, do you have professional support (psychologist, ..)?
Do you have any physical limitations or complaints that the teacher should be aware of?
I consent to photos being taken during the session.
I consent: my email address may be shared with others
dit veld niet invullen s.v.p.

You will be asked to fill out your name and further contact details in the next page.
Once you click the registration button, you will be taken to a secure payment system (first e-act.nl and then mollie.com). Your data will be treated confidentially and will not be shared with third parties, except for the information necessary to process the payment.