Looking for a nourishing break? Join our next Day of Nourishment on 28 July with Lorinda. 

Mindful Drinking: A Balanced Approach to Alcohol

Mindful Drinking: A Balanced Approach to Alcohol

Discover the benefits of mindful drinking, a practice that promotes awareness and intentionality in alcohol consumption. Enjoy a healthier and more fulfilling life by making conscious decisions...

Three ways to bring more silence into your life

Three ways to bring more silence into your life

Have you been feeling overwhelmed and stressed? If so, have you considered that it could be due to too much “noise”?

The Art of Resting

The Art of Resting

Discover the vital link between rest, deep sleep, and overall well-being in today's fast-paced world. Explore the seven forms of rest and learn how integrating these practices into your daily...

Mastering the Art of Habit Formation for a Resilient Mind

Mastering the Art of Habit Formation for a Resilient Mind

Dive into the science of habit formation and  receive practical strategies for cultivating a resilient mind. Discover the power of intentional living, where each small step becomes a meaningful...

Realigning Your Priorities with What Matters Most

Realigning Your Priorities with What Matters Most

Discover the power of mindfulness in realigning your priorities and embracing positive change. Learn practical tips to get to know yourself on a deeper level, clarify your values, and make...

Unlocking Tranquility: 6 Tips to Establishing a Lasting Mindfulness Habit

Unlocking Tranquility: 6 Tips to Establishing a Lasting Mindfulness Habit

Explore practical strategies that make integrating mindfulness into your daily routine a breeze. Learn to start small, create easy reminders, leverage existing habits, celebrate successes, prepare...

Cultivating Inner Strength: How to feel safer in an uncertain world

Cultivating Inner Strength: How to feel safer in an uncertain world

In a world where challenges abound, nurturing safety is vital for resilience. By embracing both external and internal resources, we can cultivate a secure mindset that empowers us to face life's...

What does “listen to your body” actually mean?

What does “listen to your body” actually mean?

Listening to your body is an important tool in stress management. you can detect signs of tiredness and exhaustion, understanding your stress mechanisms and also learn to use the body as an anchor...

Four steps to prioritize self-care in busy times

Four steps to prioritize self-care in busy times

When things get stressful we often automatically skip the things that nourish us, but it is in those moments that self-care is even more important. 

Saving the world is an inside job

Saving the world is an inside job

We live in an increasingly urban world, with urban soundscapes and smells, What if there was a way to bring nature, and its inner stillness, in us? Something to help lead us to the present moment...

The healing power of Ayurvedic Massage

The healing power of Ayurvedic Massage

Ayurvedic massage with warm herbalized oil, especially Kseerbala Taila, is a therapeutic practice that offers a multitude of benefits for the body and mind. From alleviating physical complaints and...

Why it’s difficult to make meditation a habit

Why it’s difficult to make meditation a habit

You are convinced that meditating regularly would be good for you. Maybe you have practised it before and felt the positive effects it had on you. You are prepared: you have downloaded an app,...

Seven misunderstandings about mindfulness meditation

Seven misunderstandings about mindfulness meditation

Have you been wondering whether mindfulness meditation is something for you? We often expect meditation to be something it's not and end up focusing on the wrong things.

Living in the present moment: what does it mean?

Living in the present moment: what does it mean?

According to research our mind wanders half of the time to the future or past which can prevent us from living our life fully in the present moment. Mindfulness is about knowing that these are just...

Lower your expectations

Lower your expectations

Our happiness is influenced  strongly by the expectation we have about a specific situation or person. We often think that if we will have x i or if we would not have y in our life we will happy....

The beauty of the beginner’s mind and how it brings happiness into everyday life

The beauty of the beginner’s mind and how it brings happiness into everyday life

Sometimes our life feels dull and without any excitement. But when you learn to bring curiosity to every single moment of your life even the most boring task can bring you joy and happiness. 

Weaving mindfulness into your day

Weaving mindfulness into your day

You can bring more presence into your day if you start to integrate a few simple new habits into your morning or evening routine. 

You are not alone - How to feel more connected

You are not alone - How to feel more connected

I’m writing this as the days grow ever shorter, darker and colder. It’s not my favourite season. I’m having difficulties with the lack of light, leaving home and coming back in the dark as if the...