Looking for a nourishing break? Join our next Day of Nourishment on 28 July with Lorinda. 

The Art of Resting

The Art of Resting

Discover the vital link between rest, deep sleep, and overall well-being in today's fast-paced world. Explore the seven forms of rest and learn how integrating these practices into your daily...

Cultivating Inner Strengths: The Power of Positive Neuroplasticity

Cultivating Inner Strengths: The Power of Positive Neuroplasticity

In times like these, it is normal to sometimes feel anxious and worried or overwhelmed. Fear is a natural response to danger, and it is designed to keep us safe by triggering the flight, fight or...

Unlocking Tranquility: 6 Tips to Establishing a Lasting Mindfulness Habit

Unlocking Tranquility: 6 Tips to Establishing a Lasting Mindfulness Habit

Explore practical strategies that make integrating mindfulness into your daily routine a breeze. Learn to start small, create easy reminders, leverage existing habits, celebrate successes, prepare...

Cultivating Inner Strength: How to feel safer in an uncertain world

Cultivating Inner Strength: How to feel safer in an uncertain world

In a world where challenges abound, nurturing safety is vital for resilience. By embracing both external and internal resources, we can cultivate a secure mindset that empowers us to face life's...

The power of awe

The power of awe

The power of awe lies in its ability to uplift our spirits, expand our perspective, and connect us with something greater than ourselves.

The healing power of Ayurvedic Massage

The healing power of Ayurvedic Massage

Ayurvedic massage with warm herbalized oil, especially Kseerbala Taila, is a therapeutic practice that offers a multitude of benefits for the body and mind. From alleviating physical complaints and...

Beginning to let go

Beginning to let go

in a world where productivity, achievement and growth are praised on all levels, maybe we for once do not ask: What can I do more of? But rather: What can I let go of?

The beauty of the beginner’s mind and how it brings happiness into everyday life

The beauty of the beginner’s mind and how it brings happiness into everyday life

Sometimes our life feels dull and without any excitement. But when you learn to bring curiosity to every single moment of your life even the most boring task can bring you joy and happiness. 

Being mindful – it’s the little things

Being mindful – it’s the little things

Just like any other skill, mindfulness takes training too; we are training our brain to re-shift attention to the here and now, to step out of the “auto-pilot” mode, time and time again.

Calming your anxious mind with conscious breathing

Calming your anxious mind with conscious breathing

In these turbulent times it is normal to feel quite worried and anxious and we have all the reasons and we have all the reasons to feel like that. However, it is not heathy for our body and mind to...

How to practice mindfulness during vacation

How to practice mindfulness during vacation

Even though the weather in Belgium may not look like it, it's summer and vacation time for many. When I share with my colleagues about our meditation practice, we seem to have one thing in common:...

What happens on a mindfulness retreat?

What happens on a mindfulness retreat?

A mindfulness retreat can be a wonderful way to take a break from the busyness and the overwhelming pressure in our world. It is a way of deepening your connection to yourself, finding inner peace...
Three habits that can improve your sleep

Three habits that can improve your sleep

Sleep is a complex process. There are so many factors to consider when talking about what you can do to improve it. However, there are three crucial habits that are probably responsible for 80% of...

Building in powerful stress relievers in your daily life

Building in powerful stress relievers in your daily life

Actually, not much is needed to take care of yourself in situations in which you feel powerless and overwhelmed. For my favourite exercise, called “box breathing” you only need: your breath. And as...

Improving your energy levels with small morning and evening rituals

Improving your energy levels with small morning and evening rituals

In the past months, everything has changed more dramatically than anyone could have imagined – and our bodies have taken its toll. Here are some morning and evening rituals to support your energy...

Breathe yourself to sleep: How conscious breathing can help you fall asleep

Breathe yourself to sleep: How conscious breathing can help you fall asleep

Breathing happens by itself without even thinking of it, while at the same time we can consciously control it. It can be a powerful instrument to help us fall asleep (again) when we are struggling...

How to soften your inner drive system in times of crisis

How to soften your inner drive system in times of crisis

In these uncertain times it is important to learn ways how to calm and ground yourself. 

What else is here besides the thinking?

What else is here besides the thinking?

We are so much caught in thinking all day long that sometimes we forget our body. in mindfulness we learn to expand our awareness so we are less caught up in the tightness of stressful thinking and...