Looking for a nourishing break? Join our next Day of Nourishment on 28 July with Lorinda. 

The Art of Resting

The Art of Resting

Discover the vital link between rest, deep sleep, and overall well-being in today's fast-paced world. Explore the seven forms of rest and learn how integrating these practices into your daily...

 The Power of Attention: Cultivating Focus in the Digital Age

The Power of Attention: Cultivating Focus in the Digital Age

The article highlights the concerning decline in attention, with more than 75% of individuals experiencing persistent distraction at work. Chronic distraction is linked to consequences such as...

Cultivating Inner Strengths: The Power of Positive Neuroplasticity

Cultivating Inner Strengths: The Power of Positive Neuroplasticity

In times like these, it is normal to sometimes feel anxious and worried or overwhelmed. Fear is a natural response to danger, and it is designed to keep us safe by triggering the flight, fight or...

What does “listen to your body” actually mean?

What does “listen to your body” actually mean?

Listening to your body is an important tool in stress management. you can detect signs of tiredness and exhaustion, understanding your stress mechanisms and also learn to use the body as an anchor...

Four steps to prioritize self-care in busy times

Four steps to prioritize self-care in busy times

When things get stressful we often automatically skip the things that nourish us, but it is in those moments that self-care is even more important. 

The healing power of Ayurvedic Massage

The healing power of Ayurvedic Massage

Ayurvedic massage with warm herbalized oil, especially Kseerbala Taila, is a therapeutic practice that offers a multitude of benefits for the body and mind. From alleviating physical complaints and...

Presence 2.0 – Bringing more presence into remote working

Presence 2.0 – Bringing more presence into remote working

Now that we're all remote working, we're noticing a lack of idle time. Bringing back small talk in our digital communications can go a long way in recreating some of these unplanned moments of...

How to recognise burn-out

How to recognise burn-out

Burn-out is a stress-related condition. In itself, stress is not necessarily a bad thing. A bit of adrenalin can make you perform at your best when a deadline is in sight, or when something is...

Stepping out of the rat race

Stepping out of the rat race

We spend a great deal of our waking hours at work. Yet the digitalisation has further diminished the difference between private and professional life and therefore many of us are feeling...

How to soften your inner drive system in times of crisis

How to soften your inner drive system in times of crisis

In these uncertain times it is important to learn ways how to calm and ground yourself. 

Feeling lethargic? Nothing wrong with you.

Feeling lethargic? Nothing wrong with you.

After many weeks and months in lockdown it is normal to feel lethargic. it does not mean that something is wrong with you- it is normal to feel tired when there is a lack of perspective. 

Stepping into being

Stepping into being

We spend most of our days in a doing and thinking mode which is helpful insolving problems and gettng things done. but it is not helpful when we feel exhausted or emotionally overwhelmed. It is...
What you didn’t know about stress – and might change your life

What you didn’t know about stress – and might change your life

When talking about stress most people think about the flight and flee mechanism which is meant to help us to survive. but not many know about the drive system which helps us to go after rewards and...
Writing yourself to sleep

Writing yourself to sleep

Sleep is one of the biggest factors impacting our wellbeing. One method to help you fall asleep can be to write down everything that preoccupies you and hand it over to the paper so you can let go...

How to take good care of yourself during the autumn

How to take good care of yourself during the autumn

Autumn is dry, rough, windy, changing, erratic, cool, ... As the external environment changes during this season, your internal environment can experience the same type of changes: dry skin,...

Stepping out of the treadmill - Letting go of worrying

Stepping out of the treadmill - Letting go of worrying

Worrying is the mind's attempt to solve a perceived threat to our safety. yet in generally makes us feel much worse. therefore it is important to learn techniques to le go of worrying and to relax.

Letting go of unnecessary fear and worries

Letting go of unnecessary fear and worries

While fear plays an important role in keeping us alive and warning us from life threatening situations worry has no other use than to make sus miserable. therefore it is important to learn to...

How to say

How to say "no" with kindness

To to our fear of rejection many of us find it hard to say no to others and to set boundaries.  But there are ways to say no with kindness , without hurting the other person and allowing yourself...