Looking for a nourishing break? Join our next Day of Nourishment on 28 July with Lorinda. 

Cultivating an Abundance Mindset for a Fulfilling Life

Cultivating an Abundance Mindset for a Fulfilling Life

When scrolling through social media, I sometimes find myself comparing my life to others'. It can feel like everyone else is more beautiful, more successful, more something than me. And in those...

Which wolf do you feed? Why compassion is needed to heal ourselves and the world

Which wolf do you feed? Why compassion is needed to heal ourselves and the world

When we are hurting we often feel disconnected from others, yet it is the awareness of our shared humanity and the practice of compassion that will heal us and the world around us.

The power of awe

The power of awe

The power of awe lies in its ability to uplift our spirits, expand our perspective, and connect us with something greater than ourselves.

Watering your seeds of gratitude and generosity

Watering your seeds of gratitude and generosity

When we start paying attention, there is so much for which to be grateful. We can be grateful for coffee or tea; we can be grateful for other people’s actions or kind words. We can be grateful for...

The beauty of the beginner’s mind and how it brings happiness into everyday life

The beauty of the beginner’s mind and how it brings happiness into everyday life

Sometimes our life feels dull and without any excitement. But when you learn to bring curiosity to every single moment of your life even the most boring task can bring you joy and happiness. 

Emotions – an all-inclusive package

Emotions – an all-inclusive package

We tend to do all kinds of things to avoid unpleasant emotions and to try to increase the pleasant ones. but how would it be if we simply allowed them in and saw them as the weather passing by-...
How to practice mindfulness during vacation

How to practice mindfulness during vacation

Even though the weather in Belgium may not look like it, it's summer and vacation time for many. When I share with my colleagues about our meditation practice, we seem to have one thing in common:...

What happens on a mindfulness retreat?

What happens on a mindfulness retreat?

A mindfulness retreat can be a wonderful way to take a break from the busyness and the overwhelming pressure in our world. It is a way of deepening your connection to yourself, finding inner peace...
What if ... a year in review

What if ... a year in review

What if 2020 was not a lost year but rather a year that made a grow on various levels? 

Boost your happiness with gratitude

Boost your happiness with gratitude

November is the time of the year when we need to celebrate good moments in our life in order to compensate for the gloom of the darker and colder days.

Did you know that gratitude is a happiness...

Staying sane in winter lockdown

Staying sane in winter lockdown

Some self-care tips in socially limited times

By now, we are all familiar with the lockdown phenomenon, where we have to limit our social contacts to a minimum. Though we may be better prepared...

15 ways to feel good

15 ways to feel good

As our brain has the tendency to focus on the negative it is important to also focus on what is good in your life. In our positive neuroplasticity trainings we teach 15 ways to create a positive...

How to shift your mind towards the positive

How to shift your mind towards the positive

When we focus on the negative we do not see clearly anymore. It can make us feel stressed and miserable and sometimes full of self-critical thoughts. Therefore it is important to learn to shift...

The secrets of nature

The secrets of nature

Nature can be a wonderful teacher about happiness and life in general. A walk in nature can improve our wellbeing considerably. Why not try it out now that spring is in the air again.

Waiting for spring time

Waiting for spring time

Our judging mind can make us feel very unhappy and frustrated, always wishing for something else to be here (sun, warmth) or for something to disappear. But how would it be if we show up fully for...

Finding inner peace with equanimity

Finding inner peace with equanimity

Equanimity is a practice which can ease our distressed mind and deal with reality in a different way. An equanimous mind is balanced and peaceful inside, while also being right in the middle of the...

Improving your energy with small rituals

Improving your energy with small rituals

Are you one of those few lucky people who wake up in the morning and jump out of the bed with full energy and lots of enthusiasm? Or do you need one or two hours and a strong coffee to really wake...

Celebrate life with mindfulness

Celebrate life with mindfulness

Focusing on the positive will not only help you to solve your problems, but also make you more resilient and creative.