Looking for a nourishing break? Join our next Day of Nourishment on 28 July with Lorinda. 

Realigning Your Priorities with What Matters Most

Realigning Your Priorities with What Matters Most

Discover the power of mindfulness in realigning your priorities and embracing positive change. Learn practical tips to get to know yourself on a deeper level, clarify your values, and make...

Transforming Reactive Patterns into Mindful Responses

Transforming Reactive Patterns into Mindful Responses

Unlock the power of positive neuroplasticity with our visualization technique! Transform reactive patterns into mindful, empowering responses by envisioning yourself strong, kind, and grounded in...

Which wolf do you feed? Why compassion is needed to heal ourselves and the world

Which wolf do you feed? Why compassion is needed to heal ourselves and the world

When we are hurting we often feel disconnected from others, yet it is the awareness of our shared humanity and the practice of compassion that will heal us and the world around us.

You are not alone - How to feel more connected

You are not alone - How to feel more connected

I’m writing this as the days grow ever shorter, darker and colder. It’s not my favourite season. I’m having difficulties with the lack of light, leaving home and coming back in the dark as if the...

9 reasons to engage in a Mindfulness Teacher Training

9 reasons to engage in a Mindfulness Teacher Training

Are you interested in boosting your mindfulness practice or perhaps becoming a teacher? There are many reasons to take up the challenge of a teacher training.

Setting an intention for 2021: Rebuilding trust and connectedness

Setting an intention for 2021: Rebuilding trust and connectedness

Many of us are longing for a new start after an extraordinary, exhausting year. But can we build the new year on our learning and insight instead of just ‘starting afresh’?

Longing for more Humanity

Longing for more Humanity

We are all longing for more connection in the ongoing pandemic and lockdown. Here is how you can bring more humanity in your life and the one of others.
Who are you underneath the roles?

Who are you underneath the roles?

At times our roles can take so much space in our life that it is difficult to simply be and relax. All those roles as mother, father, daughter, husband, wife etc. come with a lot of responsibility....

Fear eats the soul

Fear eats the soul

An anxious brain is not a well-functioning brain. Out of the threat system, decisions are made that are often instinctive and inconsiderate.. But we do have a choice whether we let these...

Finding mental freedom and kindness in the midst of stress

Finding mental freedom and kindness in the midst of stress

Stress is mainly how you habitually react to certain situations in life. Often it has to do with underlying beliefs. When you can take a moment to pause instead of just blindly following them, you...

Allowing yourself to be human

Allowing yourself to be human

There is nothing soft about acknowledging that you are human and capable of making mistakes. On the contrary, it takes a lot of guts to look at yourself as you really are: imperfect, vulnerable and...

When you get stuck in your own judgments

When you get stuck in your own judgments

Mindfulness is described as bringing an non-judgmental attitude towards everything that is arising in your awareness. unfortunately we cannot stop the judging because it is automatic, but we can...

Planting the seeds of mindfulness in your family

Planting the seeds of mindfulness in your family

Our children know how to push our buttons and yet they are such important teachers in our life. prioritizing self-care and becoming more aware of our own feelings and reactions are important...

How to learn to sleep again - 5 tips and a mindfulness exercise

How to learn to sleep again - 5 tips and a mindfulness exercise

Sleep is one of the most important factors impacting our wellbeing. yet so many people suffer from insomnia. here are some suggestions and a guided bodyscan practice that can help you find your...

Using your own inner resources to nourish yourself

Using your own inner resources to nourish yourself

Do you like going to the spa, or getting a massage when you feel tired or stressed? I personally love it: taking some "me-time" and letting myself be pampered until every muscle in my body is...